
Happy December.

Last night's episode of The Sopranos was quite good, and it left lots of doors open for next week's big season finale. What's gonna happen between the New York and New Jersey families? Will Furio return? How is Chris doing in rehab? What of Junior's trial? Will Meadow ever show some skin?

OK, sorry, but I've been waiting for that last one since first season back in '99.

But another big question looming in everyone's mind: who'll be the next person to die? One thing that the show's writers have shown us is that they're not afraid to kill off major characters. We learned that during the second season when Richie Aprile and "Big Pussy" Bonpensiero got it in back to back episodes at the end of the season. And the second we saw Ralph Cifarreto, we all knew he'd get whacked eventually. Poor Joey Pants, he just can't win. He gets beat up in The Fugitive, killed in The Matrix, and absolutely massacred in The Sorpanos. Gotta give the little shit credit, though, Ralphie knew how to fight dirty. And I must say, his last full episode was truly his opus, what with his phone call to Paulie Gualtieri's mother and all.

But getting back to the topic, you gotta believe that someone on the show is gonna die soon. With next week's big season finale looming, an episode that is certain to leave us all with some unanswered questions until next year, I present to you the bookie's odds on who's next in line to receive a visit from the reaper.

Carmine (Odds: 2-1)
With Johnny Sack trying to play both sides, Carmine is not in a good position here. Because of Johnny's skewed reports, and the lies to both Tony and Paulie, everyone in Jersey thinks Carmine's a prick. That being said, with old age on his side and some miffed Jersey boys breathing down his throat, Carmine's days are pretty much numbered. Shit's bad between the families, and there's too much animosity for someone high on the totem pole not to get whacked.

Johnny Sack (Odds: 3-1)
Ahh, Johnny Sacramoni, you bastard. This guy's been leading on Carmine, Tony, and Paulie for how long now? And now that he's clued Tony in on the fact that not only might Carmine not be around too much longer, but that business and relations would be better off without him, he's primed to take over the New York family. However, Paulie has become aware that Johnny's a two-timing fuck, and he might be resistant to any cooperation the Soprano clan lends him from here on in. Eventually, he's gonna get it. 'Cause even if Paulie can't convince his boss, T will find out one way or another. Once that happens, kiss Johnny Sack goodbye.

Paulie Walnuts (Odds: 5-1)
Paulie's odds were much better (or in this case worse) up until last night. Since getting out of prison, his loyalty to the family has been in question. His hot temper plus frequent meetings with Johnny Sack have put him in the doghouse with Tony, and he's been left out of a lot of family business lately. Plus, given his spat with Silvio last night (who ever thought that would've happened?!), his position is in question. However, as we saw last night, Paulie now intends to go outta his way to get back in good gracing with the crew. Even if it means suffocating his mom's friend and robbing her. Now that Ralphie's dead, I think Paulie's my favorite character again. (Interesting side note: Tony Sirico said he would take the role of Paulie only if he never had to be the rat. Of course, if he does become a rat, he'll die, meaning Sirico won't have to play the character anymore. Food for thought.)

The Earless Russian Guy From Last Season (Odds: 7-1)
He still owes money, has vowed revenge, and is apparently still on the loose.

Christopher Moltisanti (Odds: 9-1)
Were he not in rehab, his odds would be higher. However, there is still a high probability for relapse.

Furio (Odds: 11-1)
He just tried to kill Tony, and split without warning. If he returns from Italy anytime soon, he's gonna be in hot water. However, that could be a pretty big if. It all depends on how smart Furio really is.

Adrianna (Odds: 13-1)
They hinted early on that she was experimenting with drugs, so I thought she'd OD before anything happened to her. But with Chris in rehab and a wedding approaching, I think she'd be off that by now. However, she has been talking to the Feds, and that's not good. Pussy proved that.

Corrado "Junior" Soprano (Odds: 17-1)
Uncle Jun may be on trial, but he's also getting up there. At age 72, lots could happen. But who knows?

Another One of Paulie's Mom's Friends (Odds: 20-1)
Don't cross Paulie's mother! It might be a matter of time before another one tastes the pillow, but I don't think they'll be next in line.

Carmela Soprano (Odds: 25-1)
If Tony ever knew she's been falling for Furio, she'd be in trouble. Thankfully, he's clueless. As long as Meadow keeps her mouth shut.

Meadow Sorpano (Odds: 30-1)
She is going skiing. Lotsa trees, very bad. Lets hope she knows as much about skiing as she knows about the law and literature.

Paulie's Mom (Odds: 35-1)
As long as Paulie's around, she'll be fine. The only thing she has to worry about is old age. And early morning prank calls.

Tony Soprano (Odds: Infinity + 1-1)
Tony's the boss. The show revolves around him. When he dies, the series dies with him, end of story.

Well, there you have it. I look forward to seeing if the season finale proves me right in any way shape or form. We shall see.

Oh, and to all you uptight nimrods who think that The Sorpanos perpetuates Italian-American stereotypes, maybe you should take a look at the Gotti family and Robert "Torch" Torcelli before you say another ill word about this wonderful program. Jackasses.

Goodnight, and have a pleasant tomorrow.

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