
Lemme tell you about Steve. Scuba Steve, that is. Steve and I used to work together, and every time he'd come into work, I'd greet him with a big ol' "Hey Steve!" When we weren't dropping ice down Maggie's bra/panties, we would chat about flicks, games, music, muzak, women, Homestar Runner, and the world in general.

Over the course of, oh I don't know, let's say about six month, Steve and I became pretty good friends. He's still my dog. In fact, I seem to have influenced the lad, for he has gone so far as to follow in the footsteps of my beloved Landshark and give birth to his own blog.

It is with that in mind that I give him the most shameless of all plugs. Go for a swim in the Scuba Tank right now.

No, not later. Now. You heard me right. Go there right the fuck right now. Or I club this here baby seal. You want baby seal blood on your hands? No? Then go swim in the Scuba Tank immediately. That simple.

Goodnight, and have a Scubariffic tomorrow.

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